For families

DSC 7703 Kopie

Before the birth

Finding a midwife

We recommend you find a midwife before the birth – preferably a few months before the due date. You can search for a midwife near you on

If you would like help finding a midwife, we will be happy to refer you to a competent midwife who will advise you during pregnancy and care for you postnatally at home.


For clients of the Women’s Health Clinic University Hospital Basel and Bethesda Hospital, finding a midwife and receiving consultations via the helpline is free (excluding local phone charges).

For all other families in the Basel area, referral to a midwife costs CHF 50.

The home visits made by the midwife are fully covered by the basic health insurance.

After the birth

Booking a midwife at short notice

If you were not able to contact a midwife before giving birth, we can arrange one at short notice for postnatal care after you leave the hospital.

  • Was your baby born in the University Hospital Basel’s Women’s Clinic or Bethesda Hospital? That means you qualify for Familystart’s care guarantee that applies to all of Basel-Stadt and Baselland. Booking a midwife is free of charge for you.

  • Simply let the nursing staff know that you need a midwife for postnatal care at home. The nursing staff will sign you up with Familystart directly. When a midwife from your area has been assigned to you, she will contact you promptly to arrange the first home visit.
  • If you gave birth in a different hospital, sign up with Familystart online. LINK EINFÜGEN
    Booking a midwife costs CHF 50.

Of course, you can also search for a midwife yourself at

* Home visits can also be made by a qualified perinatal nurse. Perinatal nurses are under a different health insurance plan than midwives. They charge patients a separate fee in accordance with cantonal regulations.

Home visits

The midwife will visit you at home during the first weeks after the birth and provide sensitive and considerate care. She will assist you with feeding and looking after the baby. She can offer advice on breastfeeding and soothing your baby when it cries inconsolably. She knows when to consult a pediatrician and understands what goes on in the minds and hearts of new parents. Additionally, she can provide contacts if you need help with housework (Spitex, meal delivery services).

The costs for home visits are fully covered by the basic health insurance up to 8 weeks after the birth (within reasonable limits).

Quality ensures safety

The midwives in our network have several years of experience and hold a professional license from the canton. As members of the Swiss Association of Midwives they engage in continuing education on a regular basis.

Don’t speak German?


If you speak a language other than German, Familystart will refer you to a midwife who speaks your language. If this is not possible, the midwife can enlist the help of a telephone interpreter during home visits.

Familystart collaborates with the Swiss national phone interpreter service, which provides interpretation in more than 50 languages.

The interpreting services are funded by the “Gesellschaft für das Gute und Gemeinnützige GGG” in Basel.


We value your feedback

What was your experience with Familystart? How satisfied are you with our services? What could we improve, or which additional services could we provide?

Write to us at email hidden; JavaScript is required. We look forward to your hidden; JavaScript is required

You can also give us your feedback by phone:

Alessia Kiener, secretary

Tel. 079 196 66 97


Did you experience a problem with your midwife that you were unable to discuss with her? Do you suspect that errors in professional practice occurred? Contact us or the mediation service provided by the Swiss Federation of Midwives. The mediator will offer free and confidential counsel.

Mediation service of the Swiss Federation of Midwives

Mirjam Graf, lawyer and mediator SAV

email hidden; JavaScript is required@nodomain.comch

Tel. 031 380 80 10

Further information (Link zu

Obschon unser Kind gesund war und alles gut lief, merkten wir mehrmals abends um 23 Uhr, dass wir noch nichts gegessen hatten.

Julian, Vater von Kim, 1 Woche alt.