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Needs analysis

Familystart is a customized response to the needs of families with newborn babies. That’s why our service design was based on careful needs analyses. Several research teams assessed and analyzed the needs and experiences of parents as well as the perspectives of the care-giving professionals.

Report on the evaluation of the first 1 year of Familystart, 2015 (in German), PDF

Health-economic evaluation

A health-economic study looked at the cost of postnatal care before and after the introduction of Familystart. This study was done in collaboration with the health-sciences unit of Helsana Group:

Report on the evaluation of the first 1 year of Familystart, 2015 (in German), PDF

Evaluation of Familystart services

The entire Familystart service range was scientifically evaluated after the first and fifth year of operation. The study looked at how consultation and midwife-referral services were used and examined user profiles as well as the satisfaction level of clients, partner clinics and participating midwives.


Use of the national phone interpreter service

To provide care for families who don’t speak German, Familystart cooperates with the national phone interpreter service: if a midwife is on a home visit and has trouble communicating, she can enlist the help of a phone interpreter immediately. These experiences using the phone interpreter service were explored in a study commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health.


Telefon-Dolmetschen in der Berufspraxis von Hebammen, Zemp, E., et al. (2019)


For the scientific evaluation and continual advancement of its services, Familystart cooperates with experienced researchers and public health experts. Our partner institutions are:

Institute of Midwifery, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Link)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Link)

Berner Fachhochschule Gesundheit, Forschung Geburtshilfe (Link)

Das Anstrengendste war, nicht mehr durchschlafen zu können. Ich war sehr froh um die Unterstützung der Grosseltern, so dass ich mich zwischendurch erholen konnte.

Isabel, Mutter von Sophie, 5 Wochen alt.